Fall 2014 Print Journal Now Online


We're proud to announce that the latest edition of the International Affairs Review Print Journal is now online.Congratulations to all the authors and editors who worked so hard to make it happen:

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Burnham

Managing Editor Mia Brown

Senior Editors Bruno Binetti, Michael Buchanan, Dillon Clancy, Amnah Hillou, James Nusse, William Harrington

Associate Editors Mia Brown, Ivana Djukic, Amber Footman, Nicole Golliher, Steven Inglis, Robert Larsen, Keran Shao, Adam Yefet, Sebra Yen

Book Review Editor Joey Cheng

Layout Editors Travis Parrott, Limeng Sun

Copy Editors Amira Loufti, Genevieve Neilson

Editor-at-Large Jaimie Clark

Business Development Madhur Mirani, Sarah Music

Contributing Writers Barbara Adair, Bruno Binetti, Julia Collins, Rudolfo De la Cruz, John Driscoll, Christina Gathman, John Gillis, Josh Khoury, Miki Lendenmann, Thomas Nelson, Aaron Scott Turner, Zheng Zhu


The NSC Needs to Articulate a Clear Strategy in Syria


Book Review: The Outbreak of the First World War: Structure, Politics and Decision-Making, Edited by Jack S. Levy and John A. Vasquez