In Response: Seeking Truth from Facts: U.S.-China Relations Require More Than Rhetoric


This piece is a response to Ryan Mitchell's “Redefining Pragmatic Engagement,” which can be found here.

Doug Strub, Former Contributing Writer

Doug Strub is a second year M.A. candidate in the International Affairs program at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Relations. His research interests are East Asia, emerging markets, and U.S.-China relations. He recently returned from spending seven months in China studying Mandarin and working at the China Economic Review. Prior to his return to higher education, Doug spent five years in Los Angeles working as an audio engineer and Pro Tools editor.


In Response: Reframing “Major Country Relations” in Pursuit of Partnership and Accountability


Redefining Pragmatic Engagement: The “New Model” of U.S.-China Relations and the Opportunity of Shared Consequences