Iran's Support for Non-State Actor Violence - Interests, Goals and Grievances: Iran's Relationship with the West in the 20th Century
Abstract:This paper examines Iran's relationship with the West and how that relationship has led Iran to define its interests as fundamentally opposed to the United States' interests in the Middle East. Following from this, it examines Iran's relationships with non-state terror groups, especially in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and examines how the actions of those groups serve Iran's perceived interests. It concludes with policy recommendations for the United States to Pursue post-P5+1 nuclear deal to persuade Iran that its interests lie in further global engagement, not terror.About the Author:Adam Yefet received his M.A. in International Affairs from the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University and his B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He focuses on the nexus of security and development in post-conflict states and the role of religious institutions in politics and policy. His favorite animal is cows.