Volume XXVI, No. 2: Summer 2018

Post-Demobilization of the FARC: Predictions for Colombia’s Future Crimescape Jessica SchrimpPlaying Identity Politics In IraqSarah TimreckIncreasing Economic Opportunity for Residents in the Niger Delta: A Problem-Driven Political Economy AnalysisJennie C. PerssonWomen, the State, and War: Considering Feminist Navigation of SecurityTalley DiggsOptimizing Grand Strategy: A Nuanced Proposition for the United StatesAlex BiermanFeeding The Beast: The Role of Myanmar's Illicit Economies in Continued State InstabilityLizzette Marrero

Miranda Sieg, Former Staff Writer

Miranda Sieg is a second-year Masters Student at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs studying Security, Development and Conflict Resolution. She is primarily focused on education and cross-cultural violence issues in East and Southeast Asia, but has recently developed an interest in post-conflict development and the integration of refugees and at risk migrants. Miranda spent two and a half years studying and working in Japan and traveling extensively in East and Southeast Asia. She currently works for the International Education Program at GW and is a Presidential Management Fellow Finalist and GW UNESCO Fellow.


NATO’s Trojan Horse: How Democratic Deconsolidation and Populism are Weakening the Alliance


The United States Should End Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia