How U.S. Tariffs on China Might Bolster Other Asian Economies
As a trade war looms ahead, countries neighboring China are stepping up to reshape trade dynamics.
The Latest BRICS’ Expansion (But Probably Not the Last)
The latest BRICS’ expansion implies a paradigm shift for the group itself and for the international system.
Portugal: An Empire Revisited
Portugal’s post-crisis recovery champions a reorientation towards the maritime domain, thereby well-positioning Portugal for numerous interconnections supporting trade, investment, and international partnerships.
Financial Crises in Argentina analyzed through Collective Guilt
By analyzing issues and conflict through the lens of collective guilt, remembering the impacts of globalization and interconnectivity, it is possible to identify the factors that cause or aggravate a certain situation, and therefore create comprehensive and sustainable solutions.
India – The Emerging Tech Giant
Boosted by innovative government programs and private-sector investments, India has the foundation in place to emerge as a major technological power in the coming decades.
Technological Decoupling: The Newest Phase of U.S.-China Competition?
The United States and China are currently headed towards ‘soft’ technological decoupling, which severely affects all actors in the global economy. In sensitive technology sectors, multinational corporations (MNCs) should expect increased foreign and domestic regulatory pressure.
The Fragile Future of MERCOSUR as a Result of the Argentinian-Brazilian Rivalry
Global and regional trade is based on a series of complex economic and financial relationships between countries that can offer opportunities for economic development. However, such activities depend on a delicate balance that nation-states often have trouble maintaining. This case study will look at how MERCOSUR’s future is in danger due to the economic rivalry between Argentina and Brazil. This article uses the example of MERCOSUR as it is one of the most significant attempts of regional trade and cooperation in the history of the region. When looking at the trade relationship between Brazil and Argentina mentioned in the article, similar fraught relationships that have negatively impacted cooperation agreements around the globe emerge. This piece introduces some of the complex aspects of regionalism and how often "the most powerful agents" shape the past, present, and future of cooperation relationships at the regional level.
Let’s Get Digital: Cryptocurrency and the United States Digital Dollar
As foreign governments consider releasing centralized digital currencies, the US dollar faces challenges to its global primacy.
Trade Bottlenecks for Democratic Breakthroughs
The Suez bottleneck demonstrated global fragility. America must learn and strengthen alternative routes, while supporting democratic values.
Casting Off: The UK’s Global Agenda will Need to Drop the Fish
The UK must move past internal concerns if it wants global leadership.
Understanding China’s Industrial Policies
Chinese industrial practices have long historical precedents and are unlikely to change as the country seeks to move up the value chain.
Bolivia’s Massive Interconnected Network of Grassroot Worker Cooperatives Created Underlying Push for Dominant MAS Victory
Following contentious elections, Bolivia’s socialist party looks to leave neoliberal interventionism behind for good.
The Growing Need for Ethical Technology: Promoting Changes to the Environmentally Unfriendly ICT Market
Major changes to the information and communications technology (ICT) market, a fast-growing GHG emitting sector, are needed to mitigate climate change.
Looking for the “S” in ESG: The Dangerous Consequences of Green Index Funds
Investors and environmental activists can celebrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds, but those focused on social issues should be concerned—the “S” is often lost.
The Capital Flight from China: An Opportunity for Vietnam?
Vietnam is poised to gain from the U.S.-led effort to shift supply chains out of China, but significant hurdles may stand in the way if Hanoi doesn’t address its structural challenges.
A Conservative Faustian Bargain: Why One Conservative Finance Minister’s Decision to Run for Mayor Matters for Conservatives across Europe
COVID-19’s economic fallout forces conservatives across Europe to choose between their fiscal principles and their chances at re-election.