Can the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie Be Less France-Centric?
The Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) is one of many examples of former colonial powers continuing to exert influence over their former colonies. However, for the OIF to remain relevant in 2024, it must become less France-centric.
Berlin, Paris, and the Prospects for Reforming the EU
As the EU works towards reform and enlargement, Berlin and Paris will need to work to overcome their bilateral differences.
UK and France Agree to Increase Joint Immigration Enforcement Efforts
The recent UK-France migration enforcement deal continues the pattern of EU countries prioritizing border control and security over migrant rights and protection.
Does Greece’s Financial Troubles Mean Death to the Euro?
By James MazolWeb EditorFebruary 28, 2010
Why Russia Wants to Buy Mistral Class Warships
By Tigran MikaelianContributorFebruary 28, 2010