South Korea’s 4B Movement Lowers the Birth Rate in a Fight for Gender Equality
South Korean women are combatting misogyny by saying “no,” but what are the implications for the country as a whole?
A Year in Review: South Korea’s Foreign Policy
2022 marked a volatile year for geopolitics, and South Korea, now more than ever, plays a critical role in mitigating global issues.
Sexual Violence in South Korea: Preventative Measures are Desperately Needed
South Korea must no longer take a passive role in the violence committed against its female population and needs a more direct and preventative role in educating future generations about gender-based violence.
A Fractured Relationship in A Fiery Region
Set against a backdrop of heightening regional tensions with significant global repercussions, the relationship between South Korea and Japan continues to deteriorate. The United States needs to take a more active role in the relationship, mediate a resolution, and, by extension, promote multilateral solutions to counteract China’s increasing aggression.
Make Release of Six South Koreans Detained in North Korea Top Priority
South Korea should include the release of its six illegally detained citizens in North Korea in its international agenda by using a naming and shaming strategy.
South Korea's Strict COVID-19 Measures May Seem to Work, Yet When in Reality, They Are Futile
The South Korean government’s obstinate will to play around with social distancing measures just does not seem productive anymore. Only now, South Korea is talking about “With Corona,” how South Korea would coexist with COVID-19.
In Light of COVID-19, South Korea Should Overcome the Taboo of Discussing Mental Health
South Korea has been at the forefront of tracking down COVID-19 confirmed cases and caring for physical health, yet woefully lags in caring for mental health